When you look at the area which now is the Northern Rockies Chapter you need to consider they are divided by the Rockies. This has proven over the years to be difficult for the chapter as no one will cross the mountains. Also at certain times of the year I am sure it is not something you want to do unless it is an emergency. So the current suggested division takes that into consideration.
Glenn there are some members in the area you are referring to that have worked in chapter leadership and may possibly step in to help on the North Central board with their area. With the help of a stronger chapter to guide them they may be able to build the membership in the area to a number which would support itself over time.
IF the boundaries are redrawn there is nothing that says they can not be altered in the future. IF members step in and membership grows smaller pockets (chapters/hubs) can form and break off from the larger areas. IF these changes occur and everyone says this is just not working we will look at things again and make changes. Nothing is stagnate (well unfortunately things are to a degree right now), we have the ability to change and try new things. We just can not continue to do the same things we have been doing over and over and over and over with the same results. It is time we try something. As someone said earlier if everyone that has commented on this thread would step up at the chapter level and help with something it would make a difference. I do realize there are several that have commented that are very active in the chapters and your hard work is greatly appreciated. We just need your volunteer ethic to rub of on more people!
So anyway one last comment: Albert Einstein - Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.