[HL]I'm a bit confused....Are these boundaries now set in stone by the National Board or are we having a discussion so that they can be best desgined for the future?
John [/HL]
It sounds like they have been set in stone. However if this is a real discussion about the rezoning.
I think it should be put up for a vote by chapter if each chapter was in favor of the changes.
I think the chapter members should have a say in this.
If a chapter is desolved the chapters bank funds should be refunded to the dissolved chapter members as in a dues credit at the least. My understanding is that each Chapter is a seperate legal enity.
John [/HL]
It sounds like they have been set in stone. However if this is a real discussion about the rezoning.
I think it should be put up for a vote by chapter if each chapter was in favor of the changes.
I think the chapter members should have a say in this.
If a chapter is desolved the chapters bank funds should be refunded to the dissolved chapter members as in a dues credit at the least. My understanding is that each Chapter is a seperate legal enity.