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Boundary Reorganization

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But to suggest that this is somehow some top-down conspiracy by the board or staff to change things without the knowledge or consent of the membership is to ignore the facts.

Since this post immediately follows mine I want to be sure I wasn't misunderstood. I have no thoughts that there is any conspiracy going on here, and agree completely that the fact there is a very visible problem in communication only reinforces that there is a problem with the current format.

That does not mean, however, that I believe in going through with a plan that is obviously controversial when 90% of the members are unaware of it.
And me as a member did not know anything about the reorganization of boundaries until a few days ago - that sucks!!! IMO not a single member anywhere should NOW just be hearing about this since it has been happening since December - every single member should have a voice in the decision. That's what organizations are about - ALL MEMBERS not only leaders. The leaders are there to lead and to inform us but are not to make the decisions for us. Members should have a say in what happens especially when it is something this important.

I'm tired of this so I am finished commenting.

Joe, as a former board member and officer in your chapter, I think there are a few things to keep in mind before being too critical of the organization's leaders. At least in our chapter, board members are not serving because they have a burning ambition to add more headaches to their life. They are doing the work at the chapter level because it needs to be done to keep PPFA collectively alive when others are not willing to step up. In our chapter when it comes time for leadership elections the room empties and most of the people remaining end up on the board. They generally sign on with reassurance that others will support them and do some of the grunt work, which almost never happens. The result is that it is impossible to keep track of everything that is going on, including some issues that rise to highly significant levels. What these people do have in common is a desire to promote our industry and participate in a support system which can professionally benefit all of the members, and their businesses.

These chapter leaders spend most of their time trying to plan, organize, and manage meaningful experiences for our chapter, in spite of having members who's "business, family, and personal time is more important ... than a PPFA Chapter meeting". This chapter has held numerous highly successful events that have attracted and supported members from many other chapters as well as our own. Our board does the best that they can with the resources and time they have available. It is more difficult than you would think to keep track of everything that is happening at the parent level. This is unfortunate but there are publications to inform members about issues of common concern. I think much of the challenge lies in building a membership that is more active than just expecting the leaders to be on top of every issue. After all, each leader's "business, family, and personal time is ... important" but they are at least doing something. It is hard enough being a leader, but even tougher when people who choose to be followers are not only unwilling to be involved, but then complain about those who are.

Anyone who isn't happy with the way things are being run has two ways to make changes. You can elect different leaders who you think can do a better job, but you have to find them first. Or you can raise your hand next time someone says "who would be willing...".
On this Forum there is a core of members who regularly contribute and log on daily, while the majority of members of PPFA never visit this Forum. They must be aware of the existence of this Forum, but for some reason do not care. Will they complain, when the boundaries have changed without their knowledge or input?

I think not. They had the opportunity to log in and find out about this discussion.

Interesting to hear, that the Board discussed the option of doing away with chapters atogether. This must include doing away with the Australia/ New Zealand chapter. While this scenario is not going to happen, at least not in the foreseeable future, how would that have looked like with organizing meetings? Will these have been organized by the national leadership? The hub-system that was mentioned?

The twentieth is only a few days away. Not much time left for chapter-leaders to inform their members, organize a meeting, hold a vote.

Those chapters that were non-functioning were already in default and according to our constitution could have been wound up and merged with another chapter without much ado.
Glen you got me wrong - I don't think I was over critical of any specific leader or group of leaders, please reread my post. I stated that it sucks that we are now just hearing about the boundary reorganization when the discussion has been going on for so long. I also said that the an organization is about all members not only the leaders and I said all members should have a say in what is going on that will affect the organization. If the borders are going to be changed, fine let it happen but let the members have a voice in it or at least have knowledge of it. Someone else said that some members will agree with the change, some will be upset about the change, and some won't really care. I wholeheartedly agree with that statement. I'm one that believes some changes are necessary but I don't know enough about boundary reorganization to have a honest opinion. I cannot have an opinion if I don't even know it is happening and up until a few days ago I didn't know it was happening - THAT IS MY BEEF! A short notification by email, mail, text, or whatever to the members stating what is proposed and the reasoning why would have been more than enough. Members who wanted more information could have requested it - what is so difficult about that? That note could have come from local chapter leadership or by headquarters.

Finally, I don't think our leaders are doing a bad job in fact I think quite the opposite. They are doing a job I can't and really don't want to do and I thank them for it. I feel for the leadership at the national level because I can only imagine what they must go through day after day. I also believe that some of the problems and dissatisfactions by the members could easily be eased if the members are kept more informed about these types of issues. That's just my opinion.
I also believe that some of the problems and dissatisfactions by the members could easily be eased if the members are kept more informed about these types of issues. That's just my opinion.

I think it should have been announced long ago, but it did not happen. That is why we insisted it be announced to general membership before things change on October 1st. However it would not alter the course of change, members are not being served well when chapter leadership goes dead. A functioning chapter needs more than 2 or 3 people run it effectively. So if anyone is unsatisfied please be a part of the change and get involved in your chapter. Yes territories will expand but there is plenty of room on this forum or in chapter Facebook groups to communicate with each other. Right here on this forum EVERYONE has a voice!
I think it should have been announced long ago, but it did not happen. That is why we insisted it be announced to general membership before things change on October 1st. However it would not alter the course of change, members are not being served well when chapter leadership goes dead. A functioning chapter needs more than 2 or 3 people run it effectively. So if anyone is unsatisfied please be a part of the change and get involved in your chapter. Yes territories will expand but there is plenty of room on this forum or in chapter Facebook groups to communicate with each other. Right here on this forum EVERYONE has a voice!

Good points on notification by both Randy and Joe - perhaps a lesson learned for future issues having universal impact. I'm just glad we did have a chance to see the refined proposal and comment if we chose to do so. It was definitely a step toward openness and greater member participation. Given our representative structure, I'm comfortable with the board now using the information it has collected and making the final boundary decisions. I would like to thank Robin and the rest of the board for opening this topic up and getting us all thinking of better ways to deal with our organization's distance challenges.
I stated that it sucks that we are now just hearing about the boundary reorganization when the discussion has been going on for so long... If the borders are going to be changed, fine let it happen but let the members have a voice in it or at least have knowledge of it....up until a few days ago I didn't know it was happening - THAT IS MY BEEF!

I don't understand your BEEF. No changes have yet occurred and the members are welcome to offer recommendations to help the decision-making process. All members know about this forum and have full access to this discussion, if they choose to participate.

We have two weeks to offer our recommendations. If you had learned about the proposal two months ago or six months ago, would your recommendations about the changes be different?
Jim - the answer is simple and I can't understand why you don't see why we have a beef, but then again, maybe you are just to closely attached to the decision. I pay my dues annually and any change this large affect me and every other member.

I don't have definite opinion and yes I would have one now if I would have known about this sooner because I would have asked for more facts. I can pretty much guess that the majority of the members don't know anything about it the proposed change. Joe
They should. Chapter leaders have been discussing this for months, and should all be represented in the chapter leaders (online) forum. (and at the mandatory attendance chapter leaders conference, recently held in Las Vegas)

I have heard about it multiple times, at chapter level (via chapter president and chapter board). In our case, we will be taking in some 'orphaned' PPFA members that have NO active chapter to call their own. For whatever reason, there are a lot of areas/members out there without coverage or communications. Some are just in isolated areas, some have chapters that fell apart or became inactive. Regardless of the geographic reach, it is giving them contact and a place to call home - until the time their area may gain enough members to justify a future hub or even a future chapter.

I dont care for how large some of the assignment areas are, but I think it is better than the alternative of having NO contact/opportunities/representation at the chapter level.

We're all on the same team here, folks. :)

... maybe you are just to closely attached to the decision. I pay my dues annually and any change this large affect me and every other member.
I'm not a chapter leader, have no attachment to the decision, and learned about this when everyone else did. We all pay dues and we are all affected, which is why we are all invited to offer recommendations.

I don't have definite opinion and yes I would have one now if I would have known about this sooner because I would have asked for more facts.
What is it you want, Joe? You said you started monitoring this discussion ten days ago and, as far as I could tell, your questions have been answered.

I had some questions too, and they were answered in these conversations. While I am not entirely pleased with some of the answers, it is clear that the issues are being carefully considered and the chapter leaders are trying to act in the best interest of the whole association. If the discussion had started two months ago instead of two weeks ago, I can't see how anything would be different.

I can pretty much guess that the majority of the members don't know anything about it the proposed change.
Perhaps not the majority, but certainly some members do not monitor this forum, attend chapter events, read the newsletters, or communicate with other members. Wouldn't the same would be true if the discussion dragged on for months?

What action do you think should be taken, Joe?
I'm not a chapter leader, have no attachment to the decision, and learned about this when everyone else did. We all pay dues and we are all affected, which is why we are all invited to offer recommendations.

What is it you want, Joe? You said you started monitoring this discussion ten days ago and, as far as I could tell, your questions have been answered.

I had some questions too, and they were answered in these conversations. While I am not entirely pleased with some of the answers, it is clear that the issues are being carefully considered and the chapter leaders are trying to act in the best interest of the whole association. If the discussion had started two months ago instead of two weeks ago, I can't see how anything would be different.

Perhaps not the majority, but certainly some members do not monitor this forum, attend chapter events, read the newsletters, or communicate with other members. Wouldn't the same would be true if the discussion dragged on for months?

What action do you think should be taken, Joe?

Jim, no one has answered how members 300, 400, 500 or more miles away are going to be supported by their chapter - can you answer that! I'm in the same town where our chapter is located and I didn't get any information about the boundary reorganization. I have spoken to a couple of friends, yes Jim I do have friends in the framing industry, in other in anther chapter that didn't know anything about the boundary reorganization until I mentioned it to them - will they comment, I have no idea.

Maybe if all the members were involved 4 months ago or 6 months ago or whenever the discussion started other good ideas could have been given to the chapter leaders to pass along for consideration. Again, if the members don't know something this important is happening they can't pass along ideas. Jim, each paying member has a right to know before hand what is happening within an association where their dues are being used to help make changes to that association that could affect that association and their membership in the future. Don't even think about telling me I'm wrong about that.

And finally, nobody has given a good reason those large boundary changes. Those members out in the far reaches of some of the proposed boundaries that don't now have meetings and many of the benefits from the PPFA that you and I have will still not have them when the boundaries are changed. They aren't going to drive those 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 hundred miles to go to a annual chapter meeting. Yes, Billings Montana from Minneapolis is 800 plus miles. No, I will not drive or fly to Billings for a annual chapter meeting. If their benefits are not going to change with the reorganization then why change it? No, I'm not sold on it yet because nobody has explained how this is going to make a difference - all I can see at this time is more difficulty and confusion for the local leaders and all the members that are involved.

Yes, I believe some changes are necessary to better assist the chapters that are not that active. What changes should be made I don't know, I don't belong to one of those chapters. Maybe the reorganization is the answer, I can't say it is or isn't but I can say that if we get the information out to all members maybe some other alternate ideas can be put on the table. Maybe all the members will be happy with the reorganization, I can't answer that either. All I'm saying is that the members cannot be kept in the dark when something that is this important is being decided on and we should have heard about longer than 10 days ago.

Jim, as far as to what actions I think should be taken - that's easy - notify all paying members about the proposal. Let them know why this proposal is being considered, what the benefits will be, who it will benefit most, and when it will take place. Ask for alternate ideas or ideas that may make this reorganization proposal work better and give them a time period to respond. All member should be notified by one of the following ways, email, snail mail, or phone and if they wish to respond should be told to respond by the same means. If that is done nobody should take issue with the changes that may or may not be made because all members were made aware and had the opportunity to make recommendations. Another benefit is for the leaders to see what type of feelings members are going to have about the changes. Like someone said before, every member could be happy about the change or it could be nobody is happy with the changes or it could be nobody really cares. At least give the members a chance.

By the way, I have never seen a committee that had all the answers but I have seen many committees that thought they did.
I guess I'm done commenting, I'm sure this is a relief to a few people. I'm not sold on the change and am not happy with when/how we were informed as is apparent by my comments. Me continually repeating myself isn't helping anything so I will sit back and wait for whatever is going to happen.
Robin Gentry said:
Any constructive comments are welcome. This discussion is open until the 20th. After that it will be closed. So now is the time to comment. After the 20th the boundaries will be reassessed and tweaks made if needed. Currently nothing has been finalized...


It is the 21st of April and I thank you and all the other board and chapter members for their efforts to move forward our organization.

I just re-read this entire thread again and hope that the tweaks and efforts of new boundaries truly pays dividends to the remaining 18 chapters. I compared the old map and see that we have lost 9 older chapters...LIFE CHANGES...

  • Indiana Chapter has a long history of difficulty in drawing members even during good times. Geography often plays into the equation.
  • Norther Rockies Chapter...this is one of the tough issues as the distances are just so great. Several comments about folks not crossing the mountains are certainly true...and they indeed are unlikely to journey all the way East to the Twin Cities of Minnesota. :nono:
  • The Eastern part of Iowa (Quad Cities) is perhaps more likely to attend a Chapter function in Milwaukee or Chicago than in Minneapolis, IMHO - again, we are simply filling voids for the time being.
  • As someone suggested the Texas Gulf Coast Chapter might include Louisianna at this time...the idea does have some merit.
  • Wow...the Mountains & Plains Chapter My God...it's the size of Germany, France and Spain combined!

To understand the changes better, I would like to see a list of the 9 Chapters dropped and identification as to if they have vanished or been merged...

Regardless, Chapter assignment is for distribution of funds, Framing Competitions primarily. Will this get more people invloved...probably not. We have been in a declining industry, and survive due PRIMARILY to the volunteers that have stepped forward. Hopefully in the future, a new burst of members witll cause some chapters to be re-born in some of these areas of void. In the meantime, Assignment to an area makes sense.

Once completed I think any listing of a Chapter should also inlclude the primary city/cities where meetings are held to be truly informative.

Joe Weinbeck said:
If this reorganization go through the way it is being shown I will be interested in finding out how many members from the far reaches of a region will be leaving the PPFA...

Hi Joe,

None, really. Those that are members already and are distances from an active meeting have really not lost anything...in fact they make get more communication from Chapter volunteers in this revitalized plan.

I would like to Thank Everyone that has commented on this Thread. Your thoughts and suggestions are being discussed and the boundary reorganization details are being worked out. For the current Fiscal Year (Ends September 30, 2014) all chapters are staying as is. The reorganization will go take affect October 1, 2014 with the new fiscal year. Once all the details are worked out the Chapter Leaders will be contacted and the membership will be contacted.

I know several are concerned with the great distance of some of the proposed areas. These are concerns of the CRC and the National Board also. We are discussing how to manage these areas and would encourage you to become active in your chapter to help. The large areas can have smaller "pockets" of people on the Chapter Board which will be able to plan smaller meetings for more localized areas. These events would just need to be coordinated with the Chapter Board. Just remember it always takes more than just one or two people to run a successful chapter no matter what the size.

If you have additional comments I would encourage you to contact your Chapter Board, the Chapter Relations Committee, or any member of the National Board. You can contact me at robin@bandjgallery.com by PM on the FC or by phone at 270-842-3801

Thank You
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