Joe Weinbeck
Frequent Poster
If this reorganization go through the way it is being shown I will be interested in finding out how many members from the far reaches of a region will be leaving the PPFA - maybe none because there are benefits from just being a member w/o ever going to a meeting but it will still be interesting to see what happens. I can pretty much guess now that the reason for members to continue is because of the benefit of the WCAF and by being a member the discounts you get. I know the leadership is not going to be what Robin wants - very very few people who have to drive the 8, 10, 12 hours to get to a meeting are not going to volunteer for a leadership role - heck, it is hard to get a volunteer from people who are within 15 minutes of a meeting. I just don't see any benefit what-so-ever with the boundary reorganization and nobody has given a good reason to do it. There has been a lot of people saying we hope this will happen or we hope that will happen but there has not been a definitive reason to make the changes, especially where the real estate of a region will be so large. Sorry but that is just my thoughts...Joe