Just a couple of other thoughts (I keep saying that, don't I :smile.
It certainly seems to be a benefit to pick up the additional membership subsidies when chapters gain members from consolidation. Along with that is (or should be) a responsibility to welcome and support those members and not just take the money for "doing the same thing". In the case where the new members are impossibly far away (for our east coast friends, Billings, MT to Minneapolis is exactly the same distance as New York City to Atlanta) some creative solutions are going to be necessary. Holding gathering type events and meetings that a significant number of remote members will never be able to attend is not fair when their money is paying for them. Trying to hold events on both sides of a 1000 mile wide chapter, with some distances reaching 1300 miles, especially when no one lives in the middle half of the territory, might require operating as two distant but cooperating chapters under the leadership of one board. Based on her response, this might be the strategy Robin has in mind.
Again using Billings as the focal point of the members in eastern Montana/Wyoming, the distance to Minneapolis/St. Paul, where the North Country Chapter is currently based, is 850 miles. Denver, which appears on Randy's map to have a membership concentration close to the size of the twin cities, is 550 miles away. I'm not sure if saving 300 miles is significant when we are dealing with these kinds of distances. But it still seems more logical to me to put the eastern half of Montana, and certainly NE Wyoming, in the same chapter as Denver. At least it would be within a one-day drive instead of two. On the other hand it would extend the Mountains & Plains even more than it's currently planned massive size. I suppose the logic of this would depend on how much activity would take place in or around Denver. I'd encourage at least taking another look at the best affiliation for the folks in Wyoming.
By the way, for those who are proud of their 2 hour drive each way to go to a meeting, a Delta Airlines non-stop flight Billings to Minneapolis is 2 hours gate-to-gate time. :shocked:
Old models will likely not work, IMO, however if framers in Billings wanted to do a event on their own and nothing says only they can come, all are welcome of course, or have a joint meeting with another chapter they could organize with the help and funding of the chapter leaders, it might not be a huge event it might be just the right size, if a chapter as small as Texas Gulf Coast can have group of 10 or 12 meet and do a seminar on french matting, there is nothing stopping a smaller group doing a something under the North Central "UMBRELLA". It would also help make chapter minimum goals for meetings. We are going to have to look at being a bit more humble with our meeting expectations, they need to be "Goldilocks meetings". I would certainly do whatever it takes to help the members there have a meeting.