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WCAF 2025

Well well well.....

Can't wait for the press conference to announce the grand plan handed down from PMA to the National PPFA Board. Been looking forward to June 5th for the big day. Anyone know when the announcement will be published?:smug:
The website was rolled into the PMA website. The eblast that went out a few weeks ago alluded to this but did not straight out say it. All the division websites are rolled into one PMA site. So for now the PPFA does not have an individual website it is part of the PMA site as we are currently a member of PMA. Hopefully this will be resolved in short order.

The announcement is not from PMA it is a statement from the PPFA board. And will be posted Monday pm, I said on or about June 5.
Statement from the PPFA Board:

The PPFA Board would like to Thank you all for your continuedsupport of PPFA
through this time of transition. We are well aware of the dissatisfactionmany
of our volunteers and members have experienced over the lastseveral months,
your board has experienced the same dissatisfaction. As the PPFA President
along with all of the members of the PPFA Board we wouldappreciated your
support while we work through this evolution of PPFA. We can ensure we are
working to maintain the assets of PPFA – certifications,competitions, chapters,
guidelines, website, and a convention for the upcomingyear. While these items
are being secured we would encourage you to support yourlocal chapters by
attending any local event your dedicated volunteers havearranged. The framers
corner is a valuable asset to PPFA members and we ask you usethis to your

Thank You
Robin Getntry, President
Ellen Collins, Vice President
Greg Norris, Treasurer
William Parker, Immediate Past President
Fran Gray, Past Past President
Jared Davis
Joyce Michels
Carol Graham
Harry Gaston
Randy Parrish
Sarah Beckett