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What do you do when you are not working?

Mikki Kavich MCPF

Frequent Poster
Crossville, TN
Mikki's Frame Shop
I have found that several friend-framers have the same off time interests I do.
I am currently quilting and knitting.
A couple of years ago it was painting quick acrylics for friends I called Chicks. ( oddly enough my best selling "art" to date )
So what do you do?
I like your 'Chicks' Mikki!

My current passion outside work is photography. Some of my friends and I started a camera club last year and I enjoying helping other people to improve their photography and editing skills.

Some examples:

Tied up.webpValleyOfFire.webpWheresMyLunch_sm.webp

The middle one is from Valley of Fire State Park. Went there in 2008 before attending the two conventions in Vegas!

(The sharpness of the original photos has been dramatically degraded here. Nothing I can do about that.)