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Texas Gulf Coast Chapter Meeting: April 1

David Lantrip MCPF GCF

Frequent Poster
Houston, TX
Franchise Concepts
No foolin'!

Our chapter is very pleased to present an informative class presented by Michael Pacitti on period design.

When: Sunday, April 1 at 1:00

Where: Upper Bay Frame and Gallery, located at 18069 Upper Bay Road Houston, TX 77058 across from Johnson Space Center

This class promises to be full of great information and is a bargain at $30 for PPFA members, and $40 for non-members.

Complete information about the class, Michael Pacitti and registration:

Period Design is an interactive seminar that will provide an in-depth look at ornamentation as it applies to custom framing and interior design, helping participants understand the relationship of period design to style design. Michael will discuss a timeline of thirteen specific time periods, dating back from the ancient Egyptians all the way to the post-modernists.

By showcasing numerous visuals and storyboards that relate to each specific era, you’ll discover how Roma Mouldings reveal their own categories of architecture, art, motifs, color, patterns, and design.

With this knowledge, you’ll be able to relate each of the specific period design to Art, Custom Framing, Interior Design, and Color, bringing your expertise to a new level.

This class will also show how to recognize specific ornamental relationships in the Roma line and how they relate and apply to your overall framing designs. Whether you are a Custom Framing Designer, Interior Designer, Decorator, or Artist, this highly informative class will shed new light in discovering and recognizing the thirteen periods in design.

Each participant will receive a 400 page Color Flipbook™ on Period Design as well as a certificate of Achievement. This program is recognized as a credited course by IDEC Interior Design Educator’s Council.

Michael Pacitti, IDEC, CPF, has worked in the art, design and framing industry for more than 25 years.

He is currently associated with the Color Marketing Group and the Color Association of the United States (C.A.U.S) where he has been teaching seminars on color and design to interior designers and custom picture framers throughout North America, Europe, and China for 25 years.

He has also written numerous articles on color and design for Picture Framing Magazine and is a professional certified educator with IDEC Interior Design Educators Council, resulting in his accessible style of conducting informative and interactive workshops.

Because this class qualifies as continuing education for interior designers who are members of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID), we would like to extend an invitation to professional interior designers. This is an opportunity for them to continue their professional development and is also an excellent opportunity for interior designers to learn more about what professional picture framers can offer them and their clients.

If you have friends or clients who are interior designers, please pass this information along to them and invite them to join us.

The cost for the class will be $30 for PPFA and ASID members, $40 for non-members.

Snacks and light refreshments will be served.

PLEASE RSVP! Because Michael will need to prepare the Flipbooks for each participant (alone worth well more than the cost of the class!) and certificates we will need a firm number of attendees along with names. Therefore it is very important that you RSVP to gulfcoastppfa@gmail.com with your business name and name and number of attendees.

Payment can be mailed to our chapter treasurer, Patty Mehmood, CPF at Heritage Frame Gallery, 1928 Fountain View Drive Houston, TX 77057.