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Kai Vanuffelen

Frequent Poster
Feilding 4702, Manawatu, North Island, New Zealand
Kai Vanuffelen Pictureframer
For someone wishing to sit the CPF Exam, it is possible to do this online. Then within four years, that framer has to recertify to remain a CPF. This can be done by purchasing a recertification-pack that includes all kinds of information and a question-sheet. For the exam and recertification, the framer does not have to travel.
Then comes the MCPF exam for those interested. This has to be done at a certain location, so traveling is required. Recertification has to be done within four years as above, but then there are two approved classes one has to attend or the MCPF can present two classes. Whatever he or she chooses.

With regard to these classes, are the approved classes available as webinars and can they be purchased online from PPFA? This way an MCPF does not have to travel within the four years. Again for presenting classes, is it possible for an MCPF to record in his or her own workshop a video explaining certain framing techniques to an audience somewhere else? Again, this way the MCPF does not have to travel.

There are merits involved in attending PPFA sponsored trade-shows, but is it compulsory for an MCPF in order to maintain his / her status to travel or can he/ she stay at home?
I've been fortunate enough to be able to meet all of my continuing education requirements with classes offered by my (our) local chapter. When we're planing events and selecting speakers we try to be mindful that we include those classes.

Our chapter (National Capital) has also hosted and proctored MCPF exams locally.
The DVD works fine for recert and there is a series of webinars in the planning stage that we hope to have to replace the DVD at some time.

But, Kai has a point aboout the Continuing Ed Credits.

If you're in, say New Zealand, it makes it incredibly cost prohibitive to get the CE credits.
Obtaining CE credits is no easy task down here. I fulfilled my requirements by taking classes in Anaheim (met you there and enjoyed your class on) and some other classes down here!

I did get some webinars a couple of years ago, which was great. It would be advantageous to have more of those especially CE classes so that people in remote parts of the world can have the same opportunities as everyone esle!

Please choose the speakers wisely!
I re certified with the DVD. I think some webinars would be a good idea, though it means a good deal of work for somebody.

It sure would be helpful to the members outside the continental US though!