Robin Gentry MCPF
PPFA Coordinator 2020+ Past President 2013-15
Forum Help Team
Certification Board
Competition Board
Nelson's Moulding and Frame in sponsoring this mutli Chapter Event
March 17-18, 2012
Louisville, Kentucky
"Join us for a wonderful two-day event in beautiful Louisville! Four PPFA Chapters: Indiana, Mid-America, Northern Ohio, and Kentucky/Tennessee have joined together to sponsor this two day event! Nelson's Moulding and Frame will be hosting the seminar in their on-going commitment and support of the PPFA. What a Great opportunity to further your education, network with other framers and compete in the PPFA Frame Competitions."
Saturday March 17
10-11 Tour "Designer Moudling" watch metal moulding being made
12-11 All Competition Pieces are turned in this hour
1-5 PPFA Competition Judging
1-5 Understanding Competition Judging by Linda Pujo, MCPF This class is great for anyone interested in competitions and/or becoming a Judge. This class is perfect for helping the competitor become familiar with the judging process
5-6 Wine and Cheese Hour/ Competition Critique
6-8 Dinner
Sunday March 18
8-8:25 Continental Breakfast
8:30-10:30 Class "Take Standard Frame Jobs from Ho-Hum to WOW!" by Linda Pujo, MCPF
10:45-11:45 Class "The Frame Shop of the Future", Matt Puchalski
11:45-12:15 Individual PPFA Chapter Meetings
12:15-1:15 Lunch
1:15-3:15 Class "Elements of Visual Merchandizing", by Barb Pelton, MCPF
Hope to see you there It will be a FABULOUS Event!
contact Nelsons for a flyer or more information 1-800-289-2467
Here is the link to the Newsletter with all the "extras" available for this event!!!!
March 17-18, 2012
Louisville, Kentucky
"Join us for a wonderful two-day event in beautiful Louisville! Four PPFA Chapters: Indiana, Mid-America, Northern Ohio, and Kentucky/Tennessee have joined together to sponsor this two day event! Nelson's Moulding and Frame will be hosting the seminar in their on-going commitment and support of the PPFA. What a Great opportunity to further your education, network with other framers and compete in the PPFA Frame Competitions."
Saturday March 17
10-11 Tour "Designer Moudling" watch metal moulding being made
12-11 All Competition Pieces are turned in this hour
1-5 PPFA Competition Judging
1-5 Understanding Competition Judging by Linda Pujo, MCPF This class is great for anyone interested in competitions and/or becoming a Judge. This class is perfect for helping the competitor become familiar with the judging process
5-6 Wine and Cheese Hour/ Competition Critique
6-8 Dinner
Sunday March 18
8-8:25 Continental Breakfast
8:30-10:30 Class "Take Standard Frame Jobs from Ho-Hum to WOW!" by Linda Pujo, MCPF
10:45-11:45 Class "The Frame Shop of the Future", Matt Puchalski
11:45-12:15 Individual PPFA Chapter Meetings
12:15-1:15 Lunch
1:15-3:15 Class "Elements of Visual Merchandizing", by Barb Pelton, MCPF
Hope to see you there It will be a FABULOUS Event!
contact Nelsons for a flyer or more information 1-800-289-2467
Here is the link to the Newsletter with all the "extras" available for this event!!!!
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