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PPFA Put the "WOW" in Your Frame Shop! Educational Seminar

Robin Gentry MCPF

PPFA Coordinator 2020+ Past President 2013-15
Forum Help Team
Certification Board
Competition Board
Bowling Green Ky
B&J Gallery
Nelson's Moulding and Frame in sponsoring this mutli Chapter Event
March 17-18, 2012
Louisville, Kentucky

"Join us for a wonderful two-day event in beautiful Louisville! Four PPFA Chapters: Indiana, Mid-America, Northern Ohio, and Kentucky/Tennessee have joined together to sponsor this two day event! Nelson's Moulding and Frame will be hosting the seminar in their on-going commitment and support of the PPFA. What a Great opportunity to further your education, network with other framers and compete in the PPFA Frame Competitions."

Saturday March 17
10-11 Tour "Designer Moudling" watch metal moulding being made
12-11 All Competition Pieces are turned in this hour
1-5 PPFA Competition Judging
1-5 Understanding Competition Judging by Linda Pujo, MCPF This class is great for anyone interested in competitions and/or becoming a Judge. This class is perfect for helping the competitor become familiar with the judging process

5-6 Wine and Cheese Hour/ Competition Critique
6-8 Dinner

Sunday March 18
8-8:25 Continental Breakfast
8:30-10:30 Class "Take Standard Frame Jobs from Ho-Hum to WOW!" by Linda Pujo, MCPF
10:45-11:45 Class "The Frame Shop of the Future", Matt Puchalski
11:45-12:15 Individual PPFA Chapter Meetings
12:15-1:15 Lunch
1:15-3:15 Class "Elements of Visual Merchandizing", by Barb Pelton, MCPF

Hope to see you there It will be a FABULOUS Event!

contact Nelsons for a flyer or more information 1-800-289-2467

Here is the link to the Newsletter with all the "extras" available for this event!!!!
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The March Event is fast approaching be sure to get registered. Great pricing only $40 for PPFA member shops that is for everything and how ever many people you want to bring from your shop!!!! Can't beat that price with a stick :smile: Hope to see you there!!!!
Hi, Just a reminder this Weekend is the Louisville Event! A little bird said we have a wonderful turnout so far, and we can still squeeze in some more if you want to attend. Hope to see you there.
Gail and I will be there for the whole weekend.

We are looking forward to several exciting features of this show, including the plant tour. Also, we will have a tabletop display to introduce our new product: Glass Shadowboxes. We'll have special introductory discounts and four lucky framers will win one in a drawing.

See you in Lousiville, y'all!
Sarah it is extremely warm and humid here for March. Should not have this weather until May or June, Oh well it may snow then :smile:

Jim I am very interested in your shadowboxes! I can't wait to see them in person.
Greetings from Louisville, y'all. This is shaping up to be a great weekend. I heard that more than 70 framers have registered. The meeting rooms have been in grooming all evening, so we'll be ready for the cavorting crowd tomorrow, after the Designer Moulding plant tour.
Jim, I feel really bad to be missing this event. It is right in my backyard, but family events trump PPFA events occasionally. I hope you'll post some updates through the weekend. A picture or 2 would be nice, too.
We had a group photo tonight, and a few framers were taking pictures throughout the day, so I'm sure they'll be posted here ASAP. There will be more goings-on tomorrow, and a few more framers are coming in. For example, Jim Cook (Gumby) from northern Ohio will be here in the morning. Good times.
I guess the photographing framers will be along with the photos soon.

What a great weekend. This regional meeting with about 70 framers in attendance is a winning concept. I hope chapters, suppliers, educators, and framers will all support regional meetings, because they offer so much more than an opportunity to just spend a few hours with neighboring framers.

As a framer, I want to attend more events with well-planned presentations that can help my expertise in business as well as in the back room. This past weekend was an excellent investment of time in that regard. Linda Pujo's class on competition judging was not only an informative session for competitors, but also a requirement for members wishing to become competition judges. Personally, I've been trying to find a way into that class for four years. But every time it has been presented at a national meeting, I've had to be in other classrooms, teaching.

As an educator, I know how difficult it is to organize a meaningful chapter when expected attendance is less than a dozen framers. In order to cover costs it is necessary to have 20-30 show up, and to gain the benefits of sponsors, donors, and suppliers/tabletop exhibitors, it is necessary to reach a "critical mass" of about 40 or more framers. Individual chapters have difficulty achieving that on their own, but when multiple chapters work together with suppliers and sponsors, it can happen more easily, and it can be a rewarding experience for all.

Many thanks to Nelson's Moulding and Frame for sponsoring and organizing the Louisville event. Kudos to the supplier/tabletop exhibitors: Crescent, Tru-Vue, Frame King, Master's Frame Shop Supply, and Mat Shimmers.

And congratulations to the framing competition winners!
Thanks for the update, Jim. I think these kinds of regional meetings are a good method of both growing PPFA's reputation and membership. Once attending one of these meetings, a framer should find the additional time and expense of attending a national meeting more attractive.
This Event was Great! A Big Thanks to Nelson's Moulding and Frame and the four PPFA chapters (particularly Mike Drury) for pulling this together. We had around 70 or so attendees and 5-6 vendor displays set up. Fabulous Speakers, Linda Pujo, Matt P. (can't spell his name so I won't butcher it by trying!), and Barb Pelton. This would be a Great way for Chapters to go. Talk to your neighbors and get something together. I bet there are some other Suppliers that would be willing to help out.

We also had 4 Open Competitions, and 2 Print Competitions. Congrats to the Winners! I will list them when I get all the names together. Sorry not organized yet this am :smile:

It was Great to see everyone and meet so many new people. Thanks for this Wonderful Event!
