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I should have posted this here. Re-Post from the G.

Cathy Coggins

Frequent Poster
Kissimmee, Florida
Needle Craft World
So. I just found out. I did not get my CPF. I called a framer friend that I don't know very well to breath with me as I opened the envelope. It was large enough for a certificate, but did not contain one.
It had a signed form letter and a breakdown of my strengths and weaknesses on the test. Cool.

I am relieved. And optimistic. And challenged. And setting my game plan up.

BTW, this is gonna be a long post, and very heartfelt and rather self-centered; so only read it if you 1) know me and how sincere I am, or are in my fan club. 2) Are a glass is half FULL, not half empty person. 3)Believe in our industry as a conglomeration of beautiful, powerful, creative, innovative, hard-working business owners and sincere working people who ARE so much better working together than separate.
3)have nothing better to do.

So, why am I not tee-ed off? Well, I know I don't know everything. And the PPFA kindly showed my my areas of weakness. When I sat down to the test in Vegas, I was FLUMMOXED over the very first question, I know ZERO about printing. And learned from a TREMENDOUS MCPF that I did not have all the correct study material.

So, step one: Get addition study material.

My shop is a Needlework shop and 99% of what I frame is well, needlework. Well, the PPFA is NOT all about needlework, what IS it about? Being an innovative framing that can DEAL with ANYTHING being thrown, and well, and to industry standards, and in such a way that if a framer I respected, even an MCPF could open it and not gasp.

Step two: Ask myself, do I want to include the ideas, standards an methodology of the people of the PPFA, i.e. my peers, into my business model?

Yep. So learn more and frame more diverse stuff and hang 'em in the shop. Look for challenges as a student of framing, and when creative works, challenging work or even work out of my comfort zone comes my way. I can handle it with confidence and professionalism.

Step three:Reapply for l.Thomas McKeon scholarship, and as many competitions as I can.

I applied for Champions of Conservation, AND the L.Thomas McKeon scholarship, and did not get either. Why? Well, I think that the people who did and who got a nod for the way they applied, offered something up in essay format that I was lacking. A bigger view of the industry, larger than self.
For example, the Tru Vue comp, I think it was more the role the great products that Tru Vue put out towards preserving things was to be showcased, and the the items and the the thought and ideas of my head last. After-all, when a viewer of art that we have framed says "WOW, what a great FRAME!" Isn't that a fail? It is in my mind, it is to show off the work.

I was hoping to re-apply for the Scholarship, but just saw I am in-eligible as I have sat for the CPF. That saddens me as I had hoped to get another shot at a feather in my cap, in learning how or what I lacked in not achieving that. Aside from the fact that I wrote my essay at the eleventh hour and it 'prolly did suck.
I believe in the PPFA, it can be the VERY strong glue that sticks some VERY VERY VERY large-personalitied people together. But, presently the personalities are stronger than the glue, and until that is reversed, that formidable force that could be made of framers is still weak and fragmented.
I did NOT write profoundly enough about my belief in the PPFAs ideology.

Step four: Get involved.

I have alerted as many folk as I can about my desire to become active with my local chapter. I have ordered my competition pieces for the PPFA. I am planning a piece for the open competition.
Am planning more challenging works for the shop. Have contacted local peers, about adding more to the local chapter.

So, I am losing my Pollyanna umpf as I write this. So, stay tuned.....

I-M-Chickie, I am also a framer, a business owner, and want to be more.

Others passed that test. So it is passable. Peers I respect, and agree with in many areas have written the study material and set it up. I believe I can pass it, will pass, and IT WILL BENEFIT me and my business. And I will benefit IT as I put the name Cathy Coggins IN FRONT of the letters CPF.

Look out for me next year folks, it's gonna be a bigger year this coming year.

Thank you PPFA for the opportunity. And thanks to so many of you for you guidance, kindness and support on my journey. I have learned SO much, but I need to learn SO much more.

And an addition: I want to reapply for the L.Thomas McKeon scholarship, so I wondered if the clause for eligibility regarding "not taken the cpf before" can be revisited. Just a thought.....
Not to worry Cathy. Keep trying. Look at the score and see how close you were at passing. The next time you sit the test you will definitely do better instead of worse.
You are not alone in not attaining. One of my Advanced GCF's I failed twice until I finally passed it.

You can sit the CPF exam online instead of taking it at a testing center.
All the things we learned at High School and we did not need later on in life.
Take our driver license with a tester next to us writing down all the mistakes we made. Driving at the speed-limit with backing up behind because they are used to go faster than the speed-limit.

Once you passed you can relax and say I won't have to sit this exam again.
Very nicely put! I know you will pass the next go around. We are all here to support you and help in any way we can.

Also any Chapter would be Glad to have you in their corner. I am sure you will hear from someone soon.
Cathy, I posted this on the G as well. You are a true inspiration.
Chickie, when I met you in Vegas you lit up the room with your spirit. I think PPFA should start a new award--the spirit award.
You would win hands down. BTW Sweetie, you didn't fail, you learned. You can only fail if you haven't learned from your mistakes and don't keep trying. You are on the right track, and by the looks of things, nothing will stop you now. The initials I would put after your name---CMPPF. Certified Most Posititve Picture Framer. We could all use a lot more people like you in our lives. You are a true Gem to the industry.
Cathy, I posted this on the G as well. You are a true inspiration.
Chickie, when I met you in Vegas you lit up the room with your spirit. I think PPFA should start a new award--the spirit award.
You would win hands down. BTW Sweetie, you didn't fail, you learned. You can only fail if you haven't learned from your mistakes and don't keep trying. You are on the right track, and by the looks of things, nothing will stop you now. The initials I would put after your name---CMPPF. Certified Most Positive Picture Framer. We could all use a lot more people like you in our lives. You are a true Gem to the industry.

CPF Test

I went to a military college where hazing was the norm and when things got unbearable their cheer up phrase was "THIS BUILDS CHARACTER." With your positive attidue and approach to the CPF Test your retaking it will make you a better framer than the rest of us. You will be great. Les
Cathy, I posted this on the G as well. You are a true inspiration.
Chickie, when I met you in Vegas you lit up the room with your spirit. I think PPFA should start a new award--the spirit award.
You would win hands down. BTW Sweetie, you didn't fail, you learned. You can only fail if you haven't learned from your mistakes and don't keep trying. You are on the right track, and by the looks of things, nothing will stop you now. The initials I would put after your name---CMPPF. Certified Most Posititve Picture Framer. We could all use a lot more people like you in our lives. You are a true Gem to the industry.

Beautifully said, Pat. Cathy, we are all behind you!
I would love to have you by my side when I take the exam - so far, I've been too chicken (no pun intended) to sit for it. As I said before, you are an inspiration. I WILL do it this year... Thank you!

Cheers to the newly appointed CMPPF! :first:


PS: Please post the reference materials that you are lacking. Some of us may be able to help out with some of it.