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Huh? What am I missing?


  • confused-pug-puppies_425.webp
    28.9 KB · Views: 52
GINGER - A sweet, delicious plant. Ginger or ginger root is the rhizome of the plant Zingiber officinale, and consumed as a delicacy, medicine, or spice.

1. Mmm, that tangy ginger root settled my stomach.

According to South Park, the word Ginger may also be used to describe people with red hair, pale skin and freckles.

2. Look at that Ginger, he has bright red hair.

OK! thias was one of those times what I typed made sense to me...

I had someone come in wanting to match their new cabinets and I asked what color wood are they and she said "GINGER"

That is a new wood color for me but according to her choice it is what I would call Maple or Fruitwood color.

My first job I framed for Mary Ann! BTW! SHe still looked great only difference was one pony tail instead of two!
Ohhhh... ok, that makes sense now.

In my younger days of framing I was tempted to bring in pieces of terra cotta pottery, an eggplant, some sage, cherries and other similar items to have on hand for color reference. It seems every time a customer asked about a mat or frame in any of those colors what I showed them and what they had in mind had nothing in common.

Customer: I was thinking of a nice eggplant color.
Me: (Showing her a Bainbridge XXXX, Aubergine) Ok, here we go. This has some nice deep....
Customer: No! I said eggplant! Don't you know what eggplant is?
Me: Uhh...