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Framers L-Square

Liz Chase

Frequent Poster
Reno, NV
The Frame Shop at Lakeside
Does anyone know where I can buy a 36" L-square? The largest I have found both locally and on the internet is 24" x 16". Thank you.
Thanks for your suggestions. Unfortunately, these were a dead-end. Metric does not work for me, but I was able to call Steve Chappell Squares directly and he said he could make me a 36 x 24 inch square, but it would be hugely expensive to just make one. The Alibaba supplier is inactive now. And, the Woodpecker tool company no longer makes the 36" square, since they are no longer able to get the materials. Apparently they had trouble with it being too "wavy".

I guess I will just have to go down to the local hardware store and settle for the 24 x 16. Thanks again. I can't believe it's so hard to get something like this!
Liz, sorry about that.

How about making your own? Thinking about using some acrylic. After squaring 2 sides, it would be easy enough to rout it out to an L-Shape and apply some self stick rulers to it. If you're not up to it yourself, you might check with a local machine shop.

I'm taking it that a 36" or 48" T-Square wouldn't work for you, as those are very easy to find?
Liz, can you share the reason for your quest? If this oversized tool is to be used in some sort of framing application, then maybe there's a more-popular alternative tool or method to achieve the same purpose. I'm all for reinventing the wheel, and have done it several times, but knowing the parameters is essential.
You will find that many oversize measuring devices come in metrics only. For example the longest measuring bar available on the Morso chopper's right hand arm, that is about 2 1/2 meter long only comes in metrics. Steel rulers come in both on one face of the ruler instead of metric on one face and imperial on the opposite face.

I managed to find a six and twelve inch steel ruler that has metric on one face, but not the longer steel rulers. Antique ones do come in imperial only, but they are tarnished and unreadable.

This is also because the US being just about the only country, that officially measures in imperial.
With 300 million inhabitants this amounts to 5% of the world population.