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Welcome new and renewing members from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States

Sheila Pursglove

PPFA CONNECT editor Certification Board liaison
Forum Help Team
A big welcome to our new PPFA members from Australia and the U.S.:

Kate Meyer, Tamara Fox, Taylor Hendricks and Jamey Limbers, LaFontsee Gallery; Joan Edwards and Leo Bratenas Create Gallery and Frames; Gemma Lingwood, Discount Gallery Picture Framing; and Jessica and Bart Stephens, Works of Art Custom Framing Studio.

And a big thanks to these members from the U.S., New Zealand, Australia, and Canada for renewing their memberships:

Sheryl Casarez Juliana Montegomery, Mahsid Buford, Michele Granit, Penian Partsch and Susan Salisbury, Village Frame Gallery; Donna Erwin, Columbia River Gallery; Daniel Oserin, Nainsook Framing & Art; Michelle Nunley, Posterity Gallery; Jasmine Moore, The Frame Artist; Lars Van Uffelen, Van Uffelen Gallery & Picture Framing; Emma and Hank Staggs, Art World; Karen Tyler, Arts & Crafts; Barbara Jennings, Corner Vise Frame Shop; Judy Meyer, Framing Flamingos; Sophy Wujcik, Get Framed Detroit; Mariska Kavich, Mikki’s Frame Shop; Tamar Kratter, SoHo Art & Custom Framing; John Gowland, Sunshine Coast Art and Framing Gallery; Warren and Tracey Strong, The Framer’s Gallery.

Thank you for joining or renewing your membership in our international PPFA framing family! The PPFA remains dedicated to the success of all our members, worldwide. We appreciate your membership and support.